

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Welcome to teacherlibrarianwiki!


Wikis are about collaboration; so are teacher-librarians! This is your wiki! (If you'd like to contribute, please write me at joyce_valenza@sdst.org)


Let's use this space to SHARE our best wisdom and our best instruction--the new understandings, lessons, units, handouts, rubrics, presentations, images, and teaching tips that have been either rotting in our file cabinets or posted and lonely on our individual sites.


Let us demonstrate how teacher-librarians can use new landscapes to create serious professional tools.


I invite practitioners, library educators, and preservice librarians to contribute and help this space grow.


A couple of notes:

If you add a page, please add it to the page list so folks can easily reach it. Add a page by enclosing the title of the page in brackets in the contents area below. Don't forget to also enter the addition on the Sidebar page.


Please respect copyright when adding materials to this wiki!




Comments (34)

Anonymous said

at 2:38 pm on Mar 1, 2006

Should we have an area to look at how students can use wikis?

Anonymous said

at 3:07 pm on Mar 1, 2006

An excellent suggestion!

Anonymous said

at 5:17 pm on Mar 1, 2006

Sure. I'll set it up.

Anonymous said

at 11:46 am on Mar 2, 2006

Wonderful idea...

Anonymous said

at 11:47 am on Mar 4, 2006

UMmm just thought I'd set up an area on Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 but it doesn't appear on the front menu.

OR ... is a 'page' and an 'area' different ... in which case I wonder where my page went.

What fun ;-)

Anonymous said

at 7:09 am on Mar 5, 2006

Chris, I created a page to link to it from the home page. Thank you for this wonderful contribution!

Anonymous said

at 1:39 pm on Mar 5, 2006

Might be a good idea to have a Sidebar, so that we can navigate to any page from any page, instead of having to go back to the front page each time.

Anonymous said

at 6:45 pm on Mar 5, 2006

Help me, Alice. I am a novice. Can you do it?

Anonymous said

at 10:22 am on Mar 8, 2006

Well, *someone* did it for you!
BTW: I'm compiling a lengthy list of blogs by/for teacher-librarians. Should be able to post it some time next week.

Anonymous said

at 7:06 pm on Mar 8, 2006

Thanks, Alice. It was me. I should be working on other things but I find myself drawn here to tweak! We'd love your blog list!

Anonymous said

at 2:29 pm on Apr 27, 2006

This wiki is a great idea. I have had some trouble posting.
I think it has to do with the filters at my school. What do you think?

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