
Must Have Graphic Novels Secondary

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 7 months ago

I am taking an on-line distance course on "The Graphic Novel" one of our first books to read is "Maus-A Survivors Story" pretty good, I liked it. But if you care to know more check out the UMA site, "www.uma.edu" and check out the course description if you care too.


At my school, which serves, 6th through 12th grade, "Naruto", "Inu Yasha", and "Fruits Basket" are the most popular graphic novel series.


I would say several of my must haves would be:

A subscription to Shonen Jump(Boy Manga) and Shojo Beat (Girl Manga) - How manga is released in Japan, a monthly publication with 5 or so different stories that are continued each month by having a few chapters added to them. They are then later compiled and released in book format. So you are getting a year's worth of 5 or so stories for $30. Nausiccaa by Hiyayo Miyazaki

Any of the CLAMP series (Tsubasa, Fruits Basket, XXXholic) they are fun, well written and interchange characters from different series.

The Lord of the Rings/The Metamorphisis/Beowulf graphic remakes are excellent

Pedro and Me by Judd Winick

YA alert: Ghost World and Blankets by Doug Johnson

Persepolis and Safe Area Gorazde by Joe Sacco


think you have to have Craig Thompson's Blankets and Brian Vaughn's Pride of Bagdhad if you're in a high school library. And American Born Chinese, of course. 300 is also very popular this year, thanks to the movie.

Super hero GNs are popular with our students, too - Ultimate Spider Man & Ultimate X-Men.





Full Metal Panic

D N Angel


Naruto, Fruits Basket, Tokyo Mew Mew, Full Metal Alchemist, and Bleach...


Neil Gaiman's "Coraline" is coming out in graphic novel. That should be interesting.

Cecil Castellucci just came out with "The Plain Janes," which should definitely be able to introduce girl hipsters to the genre.

I agree with "American Born Chinese" and, I have to say I'd include things like "Maus" that could lend itself to collaborating with subject area teachers on a unit.

Lastly, "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", by Brian Selznick, a picture novel, is my newest must have. What a fantastic breakthrough!


Inuyasha, Naruto,

Fruits Basket, C

owboy Bebop

American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang won the 2007 Printz Award

Maus by Art Spiegleman won a Pulitzer Prize


We have quite a collection of graphic novels in ASD. Famously placed in secondary school libraries. High in demand.


Age of bronze Vol. 1 and 2.

American born Chinese / Yang, Gene Luen.

Bizenghast Vol. 1. LeGrow, M. Alice.

Blade of Heaven Vol. 1-8. Hwang, Yong-su.

B'TX Vol. 3. Kurumada, Masami.

Cantarella Vol. 1-4. You, Higuri.

Cowboy Bebop Vol. 1. Kuga, Cain.

Desert coral Vol. 1-2. Murayama, Wataru.

D.N. Angel. Sugisaki, Yukiru.

Electric girl Vol. 1. Brennan, Michael.

Exile / Salvatore, R. A.,

Fagin the Jew / Eisner, Will.

Fray / Whedon, Joss,

Fullmetal alchemist Vol. 1. Arakaw, Hiromu.

Grease monkey / Eldred, Tim.

.Hack. Hamazaki, Tatsuya.

Hawkman. Johns, Geoff,

Hero Vol. 1. Amano, Yoshitaka

Kare Kano Vol. 1. Tsuda, Masami.

Kingdom come / Waid, Mark.

Kingdom hearts Vol. 1. Amano, Shiro.

Manga madness / Okum, David,

Manga mania : Hart, Christopher.

The metamorphosis / Kuper, Peter,

Naruto Vol. 1. Kishimoto, Masashi.

One piece Vol. 1. Eiichiro, Oda.

A perfect day for love letters Vol. 1. Asakura, Joji.

Persepolis 2 / Satrapi, Marjane,

Queen & Country Vol. 1. Rucka, Greg.

Queen & Country Vol. 2. Rucka, Greg.

The queen's knight Vol. 1. Kim, Kang Won.

Ragnarèok Vol. 7. Yi, Myæong-jin.

Ravenous / Brown, Dawn,

Sgt. Frog Vol. 2. Yoshizaki, Mine.

Shaman king Vol. 1. Takei, Hiroyuki.

Swan Vol. 1. Ariyoshi, Kyåoko.

Trigun Vol. 1. Nightow, Yasuhiro.

Ultra maniac Vol. 1. Yoshizumi, Wataru.

Vampire loves / Sfar, Joann.

Way of the Rat. Dixon, Chuck

Y, the last man. Vaughn, Brian K.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Vol. 1. Takahashi, Kazuki,

YuYu Hakusho Vol. 1. Togashi, Yoshihiro.

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