
Social Bookmarking

Page history last edited by cikelberry@... 17 years, 4 months ago

Our school recently installed Scuttle - www.scuttle.org - and I have been involved in a small project with our grade 9 health teacher in which the students are compiling a list of bookmarks on sexual health. They search, evaluate, describe, tag and submit three bookmarks. http://www.nbchs.north-battleford.sk.ca/bookmarks/ (note: 10/12/07 - this bookmarks project seems to have been shut down due to spam. What a shame. It will be interesting to see what this school decides to do to resume the project.)


Teachers are also beginning to use the tool to create sets of bookmarks on particular topics. Their students can easily find them by the tag that the teacher has given.


I use it to share bookmarks with teachers when working on collaborative units. Students can go back to bookmarks that they have saved either at home or at school. It is nice to use a tool that is installed on the school's server rather than furl or http://del.icio.us/. We have more control and less fear about what students can inadvertently access.


If you cannot install your own social bookmarking service, another possibility is to use Ma.Gnolia.com This is an open site, so you may run into less appropriate content at times. The site also has "groups" that can help control where students go and what they can see.


del.iciou.us allows you to create your own page of bookmarks that can then be shared by others. It also gives you information on what has been bookmarked by others on similar topics. Why not try following other people's bookmarks to find more links on your topic?

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