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Developing a Thesis http://mciu.org/~spjvweb/thesis.html
Scholastic Graphic Organizers http://teacher.scholastic.com/lessonplans/graphicorg/
Springfield's Scaffold Page http://mciu.org/~spjvweb/scaffolds.html
From Notes to Nuts (a synthesis lesson involving a popular movie) http://mciu.org/~spjvweb/notestonuts.html
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New: Saving school library programs for learners!
Web 2 and School Library 2**
*Ideas for using wikis with students and faculty
*Social Bookmarking
*Links to our blogs
*Links to our websites
*Other library wikis
*Open Source Resources for Education
*Copyright Friendly Image Sources
*Incredible books for elementary students
*Booklists for elementary students
*Incredible books for middle school students
*Booklists for middle school students
*Incredible books for high school students
*Booklists for high school students
*Incredible books for librarians
*Book trailers or Digital Booktalking
Information literacy and models
*General information literacy: elementary
*General information literacy: middle school
*General information literacy: secondary
*Information access: elementary
*Information access: middle school
*Information access: secondary
*Evaluation: elementary
*Evaluation: middle school
*Evaluation: secondary
*Synthesis: elementary
*Synthesis: middle school
*Synthesis: secondary
*Information ethics: elementary
*Information ethics: middle school
*Information ethics: secondary
*Organization & Communication: elementary
*Organization & Communication: middle school
*Organization & Communication: secondary
Library survival strategies
Tools for Virtual Service
Very cool ideas
Cool free tools
Current school library news
On conferences
For New Librarians
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